INFO@STEELBERRY.COM (1-866-727-9811)
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Our Guarantee

When you absolutely, definitely need pins made right and on time!

This is not just our slogan but our guarantee. We know that creating custom pins can 
sometimes be a bit confusing or complicated. Questions come to mind like: will the pins 
look nice?, will the pins be a fair price?, is the company reputable or just an online 
broker?, I have never done this before, can I get help?, will I get the pins on time?

At SteelBerry Pins we work tirelessly to make sure you are taken care of properly. We will 
guarantee that:

  • Your account representative will take the time to explain your options and make 
    sure you are comfortable before you make a decision. Ask as many questions as 
    you want. We just want to make sure you are completely as ease.


  • From virtual proofs to actual samples we will show you exactly what it is we are 
    making for you. This way you can share your ideas with your group and are 
    completely sure that there will be no surprises.


  • Nothing is worse than getting pins after an event. Every year we hear horror stories 
    from new customers who bought elsewhere the previous year and the pins arrived 
    after the event. The kids were so devastated. This is why we guarantee to deliver 
    the pins to you on time as promised. No exceptions.

Are you ready to get started? Call us at 866-727-9811 or e-mail us at


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